Thank you for inviting us to be in prayer with and for you. We recognize the importance of emotional well-being. Please know this platform is specifically for prayer requests only.
If you feel you are experiencing a medical emergency or may be an immediate danger to yourself or others, please call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room. If you are not in immediate danger, you can speak with a crisis counselor by calling 988.
If you would like your prayer request to be anonymous:
- Enter Prayer in First name of requestor
- Enter Request in Last name of requestor
- Enter in Email address of requestor
- Enter None in both Address Line 1 and City if address is required
Who is making the prayer request?
Resurrection is blessed with at team of pastors and caring volunteers who look forward to pray with and for you. The information you provide will be shared with a member of this team so they can pray for your joys and concerns. If you need immediate pastoral care during regular business hours, please call your Resurrection Location. If you need to speak with a pastor outside of normal business hours, please call the emergency pastoral care line at 913-544-0799.